Monday, August 06, 2007

Heart-Disease: Top 7 Ways that Exercise Helps Diabetics

Exercise is an important tool in managing your diabetes in order to
live a longer, healthier life.

1. Exercise increase insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. The
key problem of Type 2 diabetics is insulin insensitivity, or insulin
resistance. By exercising you can improve how well your insulin
works; this helps you to control your blood glucose level.

2. Exercise improves your cholesterol levels. Exercise helps by
raising the good kind of cholesterol (HDL) and lowering the bad kind
of cholesterol (LDL). Exercise can also lower triglyceride levels.
This is good news for diabetics as diabetics are at increased risk
for cardiovascular disease. I myself have had cholesterol problems,
but between proper diet and exercise and no drugs, I now have a much
healthier cholesterol levels.

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