Monday, August 06, 2007

Heart-Disease: Two Substances That May Reduce the Risk Of Cancer

Food helps us by supplying many vital micronutrients such as
vitamins and minerals. Your genetic composition can make you
susceptible to some types of cancer. Your way of eating plays a
major role in increasing or reducing the risk of cancer.

Phytochemicals are non-nutritive substances found in plants. They
protect us against diseases when they are in our body. Isoflavones
and Lycopene are phytochemicals.
Isoflavones decrease the risk of breast cancer for premenopausal
women, while Lycopene decreases the prostate cancer risk in middle
aged men.

Soya is a great source of Isoflavones like genisteinm and daidzein.
Although isoflavones are weak estrogens, the established hypothesis
has been that isoflavones exert antiestrogenic effects when placed
in a high-estrogen environment (pre-menopausal women) and estrogenic
effects when in a low-estrogen environment, (post-menopausal women).

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