lot of people have bad credit. It is unfortunate that good people with
good intentions are sometimes lured into credit card offers with
outrageous interest rates or convinced to buy a new, overpriced car that
they cannot afford. Sometimes, it is a stroke of bad luck. You may have
recently lost your job or been involved in an accident that made you
unable to work which in turn also made you unable to pay your bills.
Whatever the case bad credit can follow you for a very long time and
repairing your credit is no easy task. You may have seen advertisements
claiming to be able to repair your credit for only a small fee. Some
advertise credit repair kits for anywhere from $10.00-$20.00. This may
seem like a small price to pay to have your good credit reinstated. But
beware, the price is often much higher. Jail time or high fines are the
price you must be willing to pay since these scams are illegal.
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