Sunday, July 29, 2007

Heart-Disease: The importance of low body-fat levels!

My name is Greg Ryan and I am a high profile fitness expert. In
twenty years of being a personal trainer and health club consultant,
I am frightened at how fast the health of Americans is
deteriorating. You are being eaten alive from the inside out by
diabetes, heart disease and obesity. And the scary thing is either
you do not know it YET, or you are in denial of the problem.

You have a choice to make and you better make it soon, before it’s
too late. Is this a scare tactic? You bet it is! I am very tired of
patting people on the back who walk into my clinics and want
something for nothing. I’m frustrated with listening to people make
excuses for not exercising and eating right. Your weight gain and
high body fat levels will comes down to three things; denial, pride
and laziness.

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