Saturday, July 28, 2007

Heart-Disease: Deadly heart disease strikes more women than men

Although heart disease is the number one killer of women in
Canada, very few women actually consider the disease a major health
concern. In fact, women and their doctors often miss the symptoms of
heart disease, passing them off as the normal aches and pains of
aging or indigestion or stress.

The traditional belief that heart disease predominantly affects men
is false. In 2000, 36 per cent of all female deaths in Canada were a
result of heart disease compared to 34 per cent for males. As women
age the risk of dying from heart disease increases dramatically.
Researchers believe that after menopause women lose the heart
protecting benefits of estrogen. The result is a steep increase in
heart disease and death. Women need to educate themselves on the
risks of this deadly disease and play an active role in their own
heart health.

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