Thursday, July 26, 2007

Diabetics: The Truth About Weight Loss."

All of our behavior results from the thoughts that preceded it, so
the thing to work on is not your behavior, but the thing that caused
your behavior, your thoughts.
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Let me preface this article with the notion that I truly, indeed
detest the word diet, but for simplicities sake… I’ll use it!

The stark reality is that sometimes eating too little can be a
literal roadblock in attaining a lean fit and healthy body.

Eating less in daily calories (food/nutrients), than your minimum
metabolic needs causes your body to burn muscle and store fat.

This is what is called the 'Starvation Metabolism' response, where
the body, when deprived of adequate calories, will adapt to need
fewer calories to function. As a result, dieters often regain the
weight they lose almost immediately because they have starved their
body into becoming a "fat-storing machine." Sadly the truth!

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