Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Credit-Repair: Credit Repair Increases Your Chances Of Getting A Loan

Anytime you apply for a loan with any type of lending institution your
credit report comes into the picture. This report is an overview of your
credit history that contains past and current accounts, payment history,
and balances. The credit report is a primary tool used by lenders to
determine the level of risk they take when extending you credit.
For many people, the credit report is just a formality. But for over 65%
of the population, it can mean the decline of their loan application. Why?
Because their report shows negative, misleading or inaccurate entries.
Viewing Your Credit Report
Practically no one reviews their credit report as often as they should. If
you have not read yours within the last year, it is strongly advised that
you do so now.

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