If you spend any time online, surfing the Internet, or even if you spend any
time reading magazines that deal with business topics, you will more than likely
run across countless business opportunity offerings.
Business opportunities are in essence, "turn-key" operations, where a major
company, or even a smaller company, is offering what are basically franchises or
memberships in the company. Any person that joins, becomes entitled to use the
company name, company marketing materials, and of course, company reputation. It
is therefore, an easy way for many who have no inclination to start their own
business, or who have no ideas of their own, to start a home-based business.
There are, however, as in anything, "pitfalls" and "advantages" to joining any
type of business opportunity. Many times, one of the "pitfalls" is the fact that
there is a membership price to pay when joining, which depending upon the
business opportunity, can be quite a staggering fee
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