Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finance & Debt-Relief: Reverse Mortgage

Reverse mortgages used to be considered the last resort of desperate retirees who needed to borrow against their home equity in order to pay for medical expenses. With home prices across the country rising at astonishing rates, more and more retirees, aged 62 and over, are taking out reverse mortgages to fund better retirement living. A reverse mortgage works more or less the opposite way from a conventional mortgage; the borrower receives payments from the lender in the form of a lump sum, a line of credit, or monthly payments. The amount borrowed constitutes a lien against the home must be repaid upon the death of the borrower, or when the home is resold. There are costs associated with a reverse mortgage, however, and potential borrowers should be aware of these when considering taking out such a loan, particularly if the borrower takes out a line of credit.

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