Tuesday, February 13, 2007

credit repairs

Do you have a poor credit rating? If so, you are one of tens of thousands
of Americans with the same problem. In fact, it seems that this has become
a national ‘disease.’ And just what do people need that have a disease?
They need a cure.
Here are some sure-fire solutions to ' repair bad credit '. Keep in mind,
like most ‘diseases,’ credit repair can take some time, but complete
healing is possible.
The First Step
The first thing you need to do is find out what is being reported about
you. This is easy and inexpensive. For under $10, you can get your credit
report from one of the three main credit reporting companies: Equifax,
Experian, or TransUnion. Keep in mind however, that if you have recently
been denied credit, you can get a free report from the same credit bureau
the lender used to reject you as long as you do so within 30 days.
Further Steps to Take
1. Stop using your credit cards immediately. Put them somewhere where they
will not tempt you. You may consider keeping at least one card for
emergency purposes. Additionally, with poor credit, you may find it more
difficult to get a credit card in the future. If you keep at least one
account open, then you won’t have to worry about applying.

credit card

Any smart business owner knows that accepting credit cards as a
payment option will dramatically increase revenues. Not only do
credit cards offer customers the convenience and ease of not having
to carry around cash or checks, it lends a sense of professionalism
to your establishment as well. The process of applying to become a
credit card merchant can be a bit confusing and frustrating, so
let's take a look at how it all works.

The Credit Card Account

The credit card account that you will use is called a merchant
account. These accounts are different from a regular business
checking account in that they are accounts that have been secured
through a bank that offers credit card processing. This account
enables you to process your credit card transactions through their
banking establishment. This is a safe and secure process which
provides both you and the buyer security and protection from the
beginning of the transaction right through to the end.


When it comes time for you to acquire a home mortgage for your first
home or for a second home, or perhaps you are just looking to
refinance. Whatever the case may be, it is important to shop around
for a home mortgage.

When it comes to a home mortgage, mortgage companies are very
competitive, they want and compete for your business, so let them.

There are many places these days to track down a home mortgage, the
easiest being the internet.

If you are a person with a good salary and excellent credit looking
for a standard home mortgage, you shouldn’t have much trouble
tracking one down. It would be as easy as walking into your local
bank branch and asking the branch manager to set up an appointment
with someone in their mortgage department.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Apex Home Business Tips

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Monday, February 12, 2007

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website is a source of good income from Google adsense and a sure way to
generate massive targeted traffic through sear(read entire article)

Right Keywords And Targeted Traffic To Your Websites By: Samuel Ifekoya

Whether you are a newbie or an experienced webmaster, the fact remains
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Using Free Methods To Generate Qaulity Massive traffic Part 1 By: Samuel Ifekoya

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Google Adwords To Drive Laser Targeted Traffic To Your Website. Part 2 By: Samuel Ifekoya

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Using Free Methods To Generate Qaulity Massive traffic Part 1 By: Samuel Ifekoya

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Thursday, February 01, 2007


by Samuel Ifekoya

1. The Headline
Make the
headline of your article captivating to your readers.
More importantly, your
headline must contain the keywords of the subject of your article. This will
enhance search engine optimization.

2. Article Length

Keep your article to between 500 and 900 words long. Never less than 500 words. If you have more

words count than 900, you should break your article up into more than one part.

3. Search Engine Optimization
should optimize your articles for search engines. The publisher needs optimized
article pages for search engines. Your chosen keyword(s) should be placed in
your headline and in every paragraph. Preferably, place your keyword(s) once in
every twenty to thirty words on the average. That gives between 3% and 5%
density for your article. Never more than this to avoid spamming the search

4. Formatting Your Articles

Improperly formatted articles stand a very high risk of being rejected. Formatting your articles

unless otherwise stated in the articles submission guidelines of an article directory should be

an integral part of your article marketing. It is one of the conditions for acceptance and

publication in most article directories.

The lines of your articles and your resource box should be formatted to between 60 to 65

characters per line. The following free online tool will not only format your articles to any

line length you want, but will also give you a total count of characters, words, and lines. You

can access the articles formatter very quickly at


5. Resource Box Length

When writing your resource box, keep it between 4 and to 6 lines long. Never more than this. Your

resource box are basically to make the readers take some specific actions. Lead them to more

information, not to sell them something. Secondly, to give you a keyword targeted backlink. If

you want anthing beyond this, buy it or go to free classified websites.

6. Publisher's Guidelines
Always follow the publisher's
guidelines when submitting an article. Anything below the standard of the
publisher will get your article rejected quicker than anything else. He has his
vision for the look of his web pages as well as the quality of the content
provided on his website.
Comply with his/her demands, he/she gets excited to
publish your articles. The publisher has not much time to modify your article
which is just one out of hundreds he/she has to approve daily.

7. Qaulity
of your article

Readers are looking for information they can use immediately.
Give them what they are looking for in your articles. Make your article relevant
to the keyword they are using for their searches. Your articles must profer
solution they can immediately apply to their needs. Not abstract information
that gets your readers nowhere. Quality information would earn you their respect
as an auhority in your chosen niche. They will also bookmark and refer your site
to their friends. That means more loyal prospects and traffic to your

8. Partnership with the publisher
Every publisher has a goal. To achieve that goal, he or she wants to provide the readers with qaulity useful
information not a sales letter. Every publisher wants loyal and repeated
visitors since the readers are the life wire of his or her traffic. Give him
what he looking for in your articles, you get your articles published more
often. See yourself as a partner. It's a win-win affair.
If you write a
press release instead of an article, submit it to

as many
article directories may reject it with the exception of a few.

9. Active

Before submiting your articles for publication check that all links
within it are active and working. An inactive link is useless, irritating and
frustrating to the readers. They will click away fast from your article

10. Sentences and Paragraphs
Make your sentences relatively short and relevant to the title of your article. If a sentence is becoming too long,
split it into two. Make your sentences simple to understand by every reader.
Each paragraph of your article should treat not more than a point. Make each of
your paragraphs flow into the next ones. This implies your articles should be in
Use the last paragraph to summarize the points in your

11. Spell Checking
Proof read your articles before
submission. Read through several times to pick out any error missed out the
first time. Make it a habit to run your article through spell checker, unless
you are absolutely sure there are no errors. If you don't have a spell checker
program installed in your computer you can access free online checkers at




12. Keep this list handy and follow the tips when you are writing your articles. You wuold be

surprised how fast your articles spread all over the net giving you thousands of one way.

These tips if applied, would endear your articles to publishers. That means more
exposure for you and your website without any further efforts from you. Some
publishers would even regularly search for your articles to publish on their
websites. More free one-way backlinks to your site on the internet, giving you
free exposure and traffic from their directories, other sites and search

About The Author

Samuel Ifekoya is an internet marketing professional and the owner of http://www.apexhomebusiness.com The place to start your Internet Home Business Opportunities today! FREE 30 Days to Success Blueprint! Top Pick of home business resources for you, residual income, FREE tools, FREE Video Tutorials.


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Articles By Samuel Ifekoya

Driving Laser Targeted Traffic To Your site With Google Adwords.

Using Free Methods To Generate Quality Massive Traffic Part 1

Using Free Methods To Generate Quality Massive Traffic Part 2

Getting Targeted Traffic With Articles For Work At Home Business
The Right Keywords And Targeted Traffic To Your Websites
Generating Traffic With Articles For Your Home Business.

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